Saturday, October 22, 2011

It's been a while...

Hey all, I know it's been months since my last post and years since any real activity here. My life has been and will, I fear, continue to be hectically hectic. My apologies. Anyway, the death of Moammur Gaddhaffi (someone please standardize that spelling!) brought to mind my written response to the killing of Osama din Laden over the summer, my aforementioned "last post." So I typed in that dusty URL--and was amazed. 

Blogger's gone through quite a change, a revolution. Everything's been revamped. I like it. And I just had to start toying with it. You may notice that my blogs have all received minor tweaks, and there's the very real possibility that I could pick these back up right where I left off. I think soon I'll have much more of a story to tell. When I first started this project, the old Of Regurgitations and Nutshells, I had no idea what I was doing. I thought I could write, and write well. I thought I could be entertaining. I thought I could be relevant. 

The reality is that I was a sheltered American teenager from northern California, a graduate of private schools from prekindergarten through high school and borderline socially inept. I fancied myself an expert on all things military and history, and to those who knew me I was perhaps the closest thing to a walking encyclopedia of those subjects. But my expertise was armchair, recycled and regurgitated from numerous online and print sources. Not uncommon, but hardly relevant. 

Class of 2015, Baby! 
In a sense, that hasn't really changed. I'm still an awkward American teenager, about as lucky in love as I am thus far in employment. But I'm no longer in high school. Or California. I'm currently attending the Elliot School of International Affairs at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. I can step outside my dorm and be anywhere on the national mall in minutes. I'm taking Beginning Arabic and am hoping to become fluent. I'm attending seminars and debates, watching people who matter in action. And I'm loving it. 

So in short, no promises. I hope to post here when I can, especially when something interesting happens, and, it being the nation's capital, something's always happening. Still, it feels like senior year never ended, like the workload carried over to college except now my hordes of extracurriculars have been replaced by basic housekeeping and chores. But know this: 

ManEatingBadger lives.

1 comment:

  1. It sure has been a while! I like the revamped layout. I've redone mine as well, I think it's quite a laugh, personally (though most people probably won't). Oh, a bit of CC, if you don't mind - it's rather difficult to read your blog description with that particular background/font colour combo. But that aside, I'm glad to see that ManEatingBadger is indeed alive and well.


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